Title: Caged Heat (Black Meadow Pack 2)
Author: Milly Taiden
Genre: Erotic
Cover Reveal Host: Lady
Amber's Tours
Riel has been patiently waiting for Sam’s return. For five long years he’s backed off and watched her come and go. This is it. His mate is back, and he’s taking a stand.
Sam’s need for Ry grows to unimaginable proportions. It’s almost as if she were in heat. But she’s a human…isn’t she?
There’s more at stake than Sam and Ry’s future relationship when she inherits her grandmother’s estate. One of her many relatives wants her out of the way.
It’s going to take all of Ry’s determination and help from
his friends to keep her alive. And it’s going to take delving into her
past to find out why a human is going into mating heat.